IPO and Rounds

March 2025


000 00 000000

00000 000000

Date 01.03.2025 - 29.08.2025
Amount $ 800M
Evaluation 0000.00
Amount 00.00

01.03.2025 - 29.08.2025


0 0000 0 000000 00 00

0000000000 000000

Date 01.03.2025 - 31.12.2025
Evaluation 00.00
Amount 0000.00

01.03.2025 - 31.12.2025


0 0 0 000 0 0000000

0000000 000000000000

Date 03.03.2025 - 07.07.2025
Amount $ 10B
Evaluation 0000.00
Amount 0000.00

03.03.2025 - 07.07.2025


00 00000000000000

000000000000 0000

Date 12.03.2025 - 30.04.2025
Amount $ 40B
Evaluation 000.00
Amount 000.00

12.03.2025 - 30.04.2025


0 000000000000000

0000 000000000

Date 14.03.2025 - 14.06.2025
Amount $ 250M
Evaluation 000.00
Amount 00000.00

14.03.2025 - 14.06.2025

Deals and prices

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Cap table

Indicative prices without commissions, $

SPV et al.

Indicative prices without commissions, $
Corporate Software



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Growth rates of companies

This chart shows the growth of these companies’ values over time. The post-money valuation of the company during the official financing round is taken as the value of the company. I.e., each data point shown is an investment round. The company's value (valuation) is expressed in US dollars. The timeline is shown in quarters.
By default, the most recent quarters are shown, but you can search for an earlier period by using the left scroll. To get a closer look at any segment of the graph, hold down the left mouse button and select the area of interest.

Leaders in the ratio of
valuation to investment

The histogram shows the ratio of the companies’ value to the sum of investments received (= valuation / investment). The post-money valuation of the last round is used as the companies’ value. The volume of investments is the amount of funds raised by the company during all rounds + debt financing. The histogram shows the coefficient obtained by dividing the value of the company by the sum of investments received by it. Accordingly, the higher the coefficient, the better: the less money the company needed to achieve its valuation. The companies on the histogram are arranged in descending order of the coefficient.

Leaders in the ratio of
valuation to revenue

The scatter chart shows the companies’ value-to-revenue ratio. The post-money valuation of the last round is taken as the value of the company (= valuation / revenue). The revenue value for the last full financial year end is used. Companies whose revenue for the last year have not been disclosed do not participate in the rating. The diagram shows the coefficient obtained by dividing the value of each company by the amount of their revenue. Accordingly, the lower the position on the chart, the better: the more revenue a company generates for its valuation. The companies on the histogram are arranged in the order of increasing the coefficient

Average growth multiple by investment round

The infographic shows how the companies’s post-money valuations increased on average during the rounds. If in the first round the valuation is $1B, in the second - $2B, in the third - $3B, then on average the company's valuation increases by 1.75 times per round. This value will be displayed in the infographic. This is a relative indicator, the calculation does not take into account the time elapsed between rounds