SuperApp, leader in Southeast Asia
Analytics date: 07.03.2025
Basic information
Head office
SingaporeHead officeGeography of business
Singapore- Malaysia
- Indonesia
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- Cambodia
- Myanmar
Geography of businessDate of the last round
Last round 01/2021Date of the last roundTotal funds raised
$12.1B+Total funds raisedPrice per share
$4.59Price per sharePrice per share. Based on the latest known transaction. It is not an offer or investment recommendation.
Analytics date: 07.03.2025
Industry analysis
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Competitor analysis
Leaders in the ratio of valuation to investment
The histogram shows the ratio of the company's value to the volume of investments received. The post-money estimate of the last round is taken as the cost of the company. The volume of investments is the amount of funds raised by the company during all rounds + debt financing. The histogram shows the coefficient obtained by dividing the value of the company by the amount of investments received by it. Accordingly, the higher the coefficient, the better: the less money the company needed to achieve its valuation. The companies on the histogram are arranged in descending order of the coefficient.
Growth rates of companies in the sector