Harvey AI 
AI tailored for the legal industry
Analytics date: 19.02.2025
Basic information
Head office
San Francisco, USHead officeGeography of business
United States of America- Japan
- Spain
- Germany
- Hong Kong SAR China
- Canada
- Italy
- Denmark
- Sweden
- Finland
- Norway
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom
- United Arab Emirates
- France
- Romania
- Portugal
- Turkey
- Greece
- Poland
- Lithuania
- Czech Republic
- Liechtenstein
Geography of businessDate of the last round
Last round 02/2025Date of the last roundTotal funds raised
$502.8M+Total funds raised
Analytics date: 19.02.2025
Industry analysis
Cloud AI Market to USD 847.8 Billion by 2032
The SNS Insider report indicates that the Cloud AI Market size was valued at USD 59.6 billion in 2023 and is estimated to reach USD 847.8 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 34.34% during the forecast period. The increasing adoption of AI-powered cloud solutions for enhanced efficiency, real-time analytics, and automation is driving market expansion.
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Competitor analysis
Leaders in the ratio of valuation to investment
The histogram shows the ratio of the company's value to the volume of investments received. The post-money estimate of the last round is taken as the cost of the company. The volume of investments is the amount of funds raised by the company during all rounds + debt financing. The histogram shows the coefficient obtained by dividing the value of the company by the amount of investments received by it. Accordingly, the higher the coefficient, the better: the less money the company needed to achieve its valuation. The companies on the histogram are arranged in descending order of the coefficient.
Growth rates of companies in the sector